Technische Universität Braunschweig
Die Technische Universität Braunschweig ist mit dem Niedersächsischen Forschungszentrum für Luftfahrt (NFL) und dem Exzellenzcluster SE²A einer der führenden Standorte für Luftfahrtforschung in Deutschland. Das NFL bündelt langjährige Kompetenzen der Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik unter Einbeziehung weiterer niedersächsischer Forschungspartner und verfügt mit seinen Flugzeugen, Windkanälen, Simulatoren und Prüfständen am Forschungsflughafen Braunschweig über eine international einmalige Infrastruktur. Der DFG-geförderte Exzellenzcluster „Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Aviation - SE²A“ entwickelt als interdisziplinärer Forschungsverbund in mehr als 50 Projekten Technologien für die nachhaltige und umweltverträgliche Entwicklung des Luftverkehrs.
TU Braunschweig, Institut für Flugzeugbau und Leichtbau sucht:
Research Associate / PhD (m/f/d) in the field of 'Structural Design of a Multi-Functional Leading Edge'
Gesucht wird:
Flow-structure-coupled high-fidelity simulations for design of innovative leading edge systems and construction and testing of functional demonstrators
Weitere Details:
Full time – 3.00 years fixed-term – Doctorate
Vor Ort
Art der Anstellung:
Befristete Anstellung
Weitere Details:
Keine Angabe
Kontakt über:
In this project, we strive to contribute to the goal of sustainable and climate-friendly aviation by targeting a reduction in primary energy consumption through reduced wing weight and drag. To achieve this, multiple functions will have to be combined on future wings: i) laminar flow control to reduce viscous drag on both the upper and lower wing surface, ii) active suppression of gust- and maneuver-induced loads to reduce the structural requirements and fatigue loads, allowing the structural weight to be reduced, iii) high aspect ratio wings to reduce induced drag, and iv) high lift capabilities for take-off and landing.
The combined application of these different functions poses demanding requirements on the leading edge of the wing, as shown in the figure above. Current leading edge concepts do not allow for the integration of all of these different functions and thus prevent their joint application. A multifunctional leading edge system as an enabler for these different technologies is therefore essential for achieving current climate targets. The research project MUVE, funded by the Federal Aeronautical Research Programme (LuFo) of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) in Germany, pursues the design of this multifunctional, innovative leading edge system and the evaluation of its climate-relevant effects.
The PhD researcher advertised at the IFL of TU Braunschweig will investigate the structural-mechanical aspects together with a second PhD researcher, who is responsible for the aerodynamic aspects, of this novel leading edge design, in close collaboration with the TU Hamburg (system-technical design) and University of Stuttgart (aerodynamic performance evaluation). A significant proportion of the work is carried out on the basis of flow/structure-coupled high-fidelity simulations, while the feasibility of the leading edge system is to be demonstrated through the construction and testing of functional demonstrators.
Details in job offer: